วันเสาร์ที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Zeta plus - Test color (Review)


This is very similar to the Zeta's head in construction, as it has a folding V-Fin to accommodate the transformation. There's plenty of panel lines on this (as expected from a Katoki work); to compare to the regular Zeta it is a little skinnier and the crest of the mohawk has ben flattened to give it a very streamlined look.


The upper torso is essentially the same as that on the regular Zeta. It uses the same transformation mechanism, but this one has a few additional clips which help to secure parts when transformed to Waverider mode. I personally prefer the back binder on this kit to that of the regular Zeta Gundam as it adds to the lovely streamlined effect of the Z Plus which the retro Zeta just doesn't have (not that I don't like retro but this binder suits the design more than the ones on the Zeta). The lower part of the torso has essentially the same working mechanism as the Zeta and again the same refinements to stability. The two beam guns either side give the kit a very curvy appearance and the crotch plate is less pronounced than the original.


This is where the kit really shines. As I said in the Zeta review, the old kit had a lot of problems which I think were solved in this rendition by the use of stricter manufacturing tolerances on the joint parts, so they fit much more snugly and thus are much more sturdy. Aesthetically, I prefer the Zetas shoulders over the Z Plus' ones but that's pretty much up to you since you're the one thinking about buying the kit, not me.


The legs on this kit also benefit from newer technology with the use of screws, making them far more stable than the original. The appearance of the legs has been smoothed out and they look much sleeker than those on the original, which has a very blocky appearance.

Weapons and Accessories

The beam rifle is a nice addition to the kit. It has the standard removable E-Pac, and there's no seeing the plastic inside the barrel giving a good illusion of hollowness all the way through. The beam sabers have nice little holsters in the skirt armor that doesn't allow them to pop out easily like on the regular Zeta. Waverider mode is a treat to execute and I can do it again and again without having problems with joints going floppy.


Overall this kit is very very nice; I highly recommend it to anyone. If you're one of those people who hates Sentinel but loves models and refuses to buy this guy, get over it, you're missing out on a very nice kit here. (Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars)

Contributor: Elliott "Hiddenpower" Solomon

General and Technical Data
Series: Master Grade (MG) 1/100 Release Date: 10/2001
Price: ¥ 4000

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