วันเสาร์ที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Zaku II (Review)


This head is interesting in its construction; you build the skeleton part which contains some small gears that link to a little lever at the back of the head, allowing you to adjust the mono-eye without taking the outer armour off. this mechanism is a little hard to operate because of the size, but it's easier than having to dismantle the entire head. The head is actually made with two halves that go around the skeleton part with an opening top that attaches via a polycap with a "see my brains" design.


The torso is nicely detailed with a visible outer part of the reactor inside the cockpit hatch next to the pilot seat. It also has two pegs that stick out either side to attach onto the arms. The coolant cables on this model are a little frustrating as it consists of an inner plastic piece, a spring and then individual outer rings. A lot of people find this too much detail, but I don't think so. I appreciate the extra though that went into making the kit more realistic looking for those of us who don't like to paint the entire model. The skirt armor also comes with holes to attach either the 90mm machine gun or the cracker grenades, and at the back there is a latch that you can attach the Zaku bazooka to as well.


The arms are nice but show quite a few seam lines in noticeable areas like the forearm and the backs of the hand. The left spiked shoulder piece shows noticeable seam lines and so requires a bit of work to get right. The left shoulder shield attaches to the left arm via a polycap and ball joint on the arm.


The legs are nicely constructed as well and a double jointed knee allows nice amount of forward movement. Unfortunately the skirt armor doesn't move as much as it would seem to from pictures and it restricts the mobility of the leg a lot. The feet are also not very mobile and it's hard to make them touch the bottom entirely unless you have the model in a completely standing up pose (IE both legs in the same position).

Weapons and Accessories

This kit has a nice array of weapons. The 120mm machine gun has a nice construction with two half pieces and a cap that fits on the front for the barrel. Unfortunately, the 90mm machine gun is a two piece affair. The cracker grenades are simple pieces that slot together into one another and the heat hawk is molded all in one piece. The Zaku bazooka is well designed and comes as two half pieces with caps that fit on the front and back to make the barrel seem hollow. The leg missiles are nice and allow you to remove the missiles from the launcher.


Overall, I love this kit as it was my first ever MG and it was a delightful build despite the few small flaws. I'd encourage people to get this kit. (Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars)

Contributor: Elliott "Hiddenpower" Solomon

General and Technical Data
Series: Master Grade (MG) 1/100 Release Date: 10/1995
Price: ¥ 2500

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