วันเสาร์ที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Full Armor Enhanced ZZ Gundam (Review)


This is the same as the standard MG ZZ, but I prefer using the solid plastic head spikes, rather than the folding rubber ones, for the simple fact that this baby DOES NOT TRANSFORM. I don't need it, period.


The chest is covered with a frontal armor plate, which has removable microplates at the breast area, to show the hidden missile/rocket pods situated there. This piece of armor plate is anchored to the body by tab slots on what can only be described as a girdle of sorts, and by an attachment point that is on the upper part of the crotch plate.The backpack is essentially the same as the ZZ, except that the engine modules themselves have been replaced by modules that have TWO boosters on each module, rather than only one. The backpack is also the major anchor point for the Mega Cannon. The cannon is connected by a hinged joint to the right backpack slot. The left is still the same as the ZZ: a rocket launcher. Another difference is that the covering vanes for the boosters are longer in this version. Everything else is pretty much the same as the non-enhanced version.The crotch area is covered by a large frontal plate that seems to have some sort of energy emitter in the front. It is also "hooked" to the back part by special cables (presumably, the generators power the frontal energy emitter directly). The side armor plates have been replaces by thick armor with small boosters. For this reason, it's supposedly again not able to transform, since the side skirt plates become the wings of one segment of the ZZ. There is also a back hip plate where various cables are connected.


Although the arms can transform, the addition of the shoulder and forearm plates makes it impossible to do so. The shoulder binder/wings have been replaced by larger binders that seem to now function more as radiator fins. The shoulder armor is also the hook-up point to the rocket launchers which are situated in front of the shoulder (one has to remove the right shoulder pack to use the BFG; it gets in the way. The forearm plates also have special stuff. One has a rocket launcher system, while the other is a hook up system for the double beam cannon that the ZZ carries, effectively making it a weapon that is slung under the arm, freeing the hand to get a saber if need be.


The legs are basically the ZZ legs, but they are enclosed in a LOT of armor, all at the lower legs/calves, so the MS can really NOT transform.

Weapons and Accessories

The real story here of course, is the BFG it carries. Aside from being connected to the backpack, it is also connected to a slot at the back hip plate by what looks like a heavily armored data cable - though more probably it is the energy feed link. All other weapons are the same as the ZZ's.


As I have expressed to many friends, this thing is a sadomasochistic kit. One has to build what is obviously a transforming kit, only to realize that with the addition of the final 1/4th of the parts, that it is rendered non-transformable. All the major parts are there, but some small crucial pieces aren't, hence the impossibility. However, the poseability of the kit is quite good, considering the sheer size and weight of it. I am still very much impressed by the kit, but at the same time, I am still thinking of ways to make it even more impressive, to maximize the stunning effect it has on other people. Perhaps a darker paint job will do it. (Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars)

Contributor: Richie Ramos

General and Technical Data
Series: Master Grade (MG) 1/100 Release Date: 08/2000
Price: ¥ 6000

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